08-11 August 2024 | Hyderabad, India
"An Ounce of Mediation is Worth a Pound of Arbitration & A Ton of Litigation"

Unlock the power of mediation, where confidentiality reigns supreme, safeguarding documents and conversations vital to resolution. Trust in a process where discretion is paramount, fostering an environment of openness and trust. Embrace the assurance that what is shared remains shielded, promoting candid dialogue and genuine understanding. Experience the freedom to explore solutions without fear of exposure, as confidentiality becomes the cornerstone of effective conflict resolution. Step into a realm where privacy paves the path to harmony, ensuring that every voice is heard and respected.

International Mediation Conclave

The International Mediation Conclave, is brought to you by the concerted efforts of Lex Erudites, Mahindra University School of Law, and Grayspace Law & Policy Consulting, to nurture and promote mediation skills and conflict resolution techniques among practitioners, scholars, students and aspiring minds alike. Beyond academic discourse, this event is a dynamic platform as it serves as a nexus for dialogue, learning, and networking, uniting like-minded individuals under the common goal of advancing mediation practices globally.

The International Mediation Conclave promises not only to be informative but also transformative, marking a pivotal moment where the future of mediation is shaped by the collective wisdom, dedication, and collaborative efforts of its participants. The four-day event will comprise a workshop, a conference, and a mediation competition for student teams from all over the world. Additionally, an international Mediation Essay Competition will be conducted as part of the event, with winners receiving cash prizes worth Rs 1,00,000/-.

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Capturing Moments: Highlights from the Virtual Edition of International Mediation Competition 2022
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Devan Ramachandran

Judge, High Court of Kerala

The best thing about ADR is that there is a direct client to client interaction and, hence there is no bitterness with any solution that you finally enter. Nevertheless, despite how fair and reasonable a judge might feel, every judgment leaves in more than one case a sense of bitterness that causes them to appeal and probably appeal an additional time. IMC-V-2021 has also been an eye-opener because, among judges, there was a doubt as to whether the High Court could implement its Mediation program in an online mode. You told me today that it’s possible. So, even if we have adversities like covid, it cannot bog us down, and we can still have mediation sessions. I will take the initiative of telling my chief justice that we can still go on with the mediation at the High Court and district courts in an online mode.

-Hon’ble Mr. Justice Devan Ramachandran during his Valedictory Address at IMC-V-2021

Prof. (Dr.) Bryan Clark

Patron International Mediation Competition (IMC-V-2023

I was delighted to be involved in the first and second editions of the International Mediation Competition organised by Lex Erudites. It was a fantastic event supported by an eminent group of international judges drawn from academia, the legal and mediation profession and judiciary and involved a large number of Indian-based and international teams. There was some great mediation and negotiation activity on show from the student competitors. Mediation competitions are an excellent way to learn more about negotiation and dispute resolution, a chance to gain from the experience of international judges and meet peers from different jurisdictions and most of all are fun! I would urge all law students to think about getting involved in the upcoming 3rd edition of this competition in November.

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Mahindra University, Hyderabad India

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Email : imc@lexerudites.com

Payment Queries: payments.imc@gmail.com