The conference, scheduled for 9th August 2024, will facilitate panel discussions and interactions focusing on the practical aspects of mediation. The panels will address a variety of topics ranging from mediation practices in India to an international perspective. Experts and practitioners will provide insights into key mediation techniques, and sector-specific panels will delve deeper into topics relevant to an industry.

The panels include:

  • Mediation Act of 2023: Will the ADR Movement Pick up in India?
  • Beyond Borders: International Mediation Practices and the Impact of the Singapore Convention on Mediation
  • The Rise of Commercial Mediation: Effectiveness and Suitability
  • Mediation in the Digital Age: Online Mediation, Prospects and Challenge
  • The Big Question: Mediation as a Mainstream Choice for Resolving Conflict
Patron-in-Chief of the International Mediation Conclave

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Muhamed Mustaque

Acting Chief Justice
High Court of Kerala

Prof. (Dr.) Balakista Reddy

School of Law, Mahindra University

Sagar Singamsetty

Managing Partner
Grayspace Law & Policy Consulting

Prof. (Dr.) Bryan Clark

Professor of Law and Civil Justice
Newcastle University, UK & Advisor to Lex Erudites

K S Sarma

CEO & Director
Life Skills (India) Training Private Limited

Inbavijayan Veeraraghavan

International Mediator & Arbitrator
Managing Partner, KoVe Global LLP

Dharmendra Chatur

Senior Partner
Poovayya & Co.

Adv. Ripple Hamza

Senior Partner
Confrere Global Legale

Adv. Parvathi Menon A

High Court of Kerala

Rajat Malhotra

Laware Associates

Nilmani Gandhi

Founder & CEO
Susamvaad Dispute Resolution

Namita Shah


Adv. Akhil George

Editor-in-Chief, Lex Erudites

Shreyas Jayasimha

Arna Law

Dr. Manojkumar V. Hiremath

Assistant Professor
K L E Society's Law College, Bengaluru

Karthik Somasundram

Senior Partner & Head- Disputes Practice
Spice Route Legal

Register for Conference and Workshop (In-person)- 500/- INR

Register for Conference and Workshop (Online)- 250/- INR

Registration Guidelines for Attendees

Important Information:

  • Please note that accommodation and transportation are not provided for conference and workshop delegates.

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